Category Archives: environment

Whole Food Plant-Based Diets and the environment

A New Record

obesity Last semester I took a class in Childhood Obesity. I spent fifteen weeks studying the policies and practices around childhood obesity. In the end  I concluded that the problem isn’t childhood obesity; it’s adult obesity. For every overweight/obese child there are three overweight/obese adults.

This idea was validated last week (Jun3 22, 2015). The Journal of American Medicine (JAMA) released a new analysis on weight in America. The conclusion? We’re fat and getting fatter.  The study found that in the population of those 25 and older 75% of men and 67% of women are overweight or obese.

Worse yet, for the first time Americans who are obese outnumber those who are overweight.  30% of women and 40% of men are overweight while 37% of women and 35% of men are obese.

Despite all the diets, the information campaigns, the warnings and social pressure to be thin we are getting fatter. Researchers blame our lifestyle, processed foods, inactivity and technology. And Lin Yang, the chief researcher for the study says “This is a wake-up call to implement policies and practices designed to combat overweight and obesity.” Unfortunately, she is resoundingly silent about what those policies and practices might be.

After weeks of studying food policy, years of studying nutrition and watching a few documentaries: Forks Over Knives, Food Inc, Fed up and Supersize Me, I have some ideas about where we need to start.

Over the next couple of months I will be writing and talking food policy and how to create change. Feel free to contribute to the discussion — your ideas and comments are wanted and appreciated!

Posted in environment, Food Additives, GMO foods, John McDougall, processed food, T. Colin Campbell, Whole Food Plant-Based nutrition | Leave a comment

Spring! Finally . . .Ah Chooooo!

42-15530364After a couple of false starts, it looks like Spring is really here. The days are warmer, tulips are pushing up, and the sparrows are starting to arrive.

Spring means that we will be planting a garden soon. We know from experience that planting anything outside before Mother’s day is just setting yourself up for heartbreak! So for right now we are prepping the greenhouse for planting next week. Lots of weeds, dust and dirt to move around.

Which is why I know it is Spring. Besides all the dirt and dust, every plant and tree Prescott is in bloom. Or at least that is what my sinuses think. I can’t breath, my nose is alternatively running or completely stuffed up and I seem to have a chronic headache.

I have tried everything to make me breath better from local bee honey to stinging nettles and a neti pot. The neti pot worked best. Unfortunately,  you have to be a contortionist to use it and/or be willing to be drenched by the time you are done. (more…)

Posted in allergies, environment, garden, Medicinal plants, Whole Food Plant-Based nutrition | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

The Year of Being Vegan: 2012 Lessons Learned Part 3

I have always been a plant-based eater; a vegetarian. Over the last year David and I decided to become vegans. It has been an incredible learning experience! Between now and the end of the years I will share some of the things I learned.

fat cookMany “Healthy” Vegan Recipes are NOT!

The decision to be vegan meant David gave up meat. And we gave up cheese and eggs. Meal planning became a challenge. I spent a couple of hundred dollars (all of it on used bookstores) and many hundreds of hours pouring over menu plans and recipes.

My biggest take is that many vegan recipes do not fit my definition of healthy food. Many of them contain ingredients that I wouldn’t eat on a bet: (more…)

Posted in additive-free food, diary-free food, environment, Food Additives, gluten-free food, GMO foods, plant based diet, processed food, Protein, Soy, sugar-free food, vegan, vegetarian, Whole Food Plant-Based nutrition | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Wendell Berry: Agricultural Activist

food industry

Over the last year I have spent considerable time studying and thinking about food. I have studied the connections between food and health, food and industry, food and the health industry and food and the government. (more…)

Posted in environment, GMO foods, Uncategorized, Wendell Barry | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

HollyGrove Market and Farm — New Orleans


An urban farm, community garden, hen house and CSA market right in the middle of New Orleans.

One of my very favorite spots in New Orleans is the Hollygrove Market and Farm. It is the first place I ever saw CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) in action. Today, we took a field trip over to the market and to take a look at the farm after the big storm. (more…)

Posted in environment, fresh veggies, garden | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

A McDougall Moment on Milk

A long time I ago I worked for a cheese making company. My job was a few minutes from home (no big commute and in LA that is a big deal!) and enjoyable.  The company was humming along, making money and life was good.

One morning I went to work, only to find the place shut down.  Short version: our cheese killed 13 people. By the time the dust settled the company had closed. It didn’t help us when the verdict came in that the culprit was Listeria from one our supplier’s milk (more…)

Posted in diary-free food, environment, plant based diet, vegan | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Planeat, The Film

Over the weekend I watched last year’s festivals standout film – Planeat . Watched the streaming Video right to my iPad.; although you can buy a DVD or attend a screening in selected cities..

Posted in environment, global warming, plant based diet, vegan, vegetarian | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment