Over the weekend I watched last year’s festivals standout film – Planeat . Watched the streaming Video right to my iPad.; although you can buy a DVD or attend a screening in selected cities..
After watching the film I understand what all the “hoopla” is about. It is an exceedingly well done documentary featuring three amazing experts: Dr. T. Colin Campbell (The China Study), Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn (The Cleveland Clinic) and Professor Gidon Eshel (Bard Center Fellow in Environmental Science). These men are articulate, passionate and entertaining. I particularly appreciated that the filmmakers (Shelly Lee Davis and Or Shlomi) choose to show these men as real people; not just experts.Campbell, Esselstyn and Eshel have spent their lives studying food, diet, health and the environment. From their unique perspectives they explain the links between diet and disease and how our food choices contribute to global warming, land use and the oceans. All together, they present a convincing case for a plant-based diet. The commentary is interspersed with chef interviews, mouth-watering pictures of amazing food and some important statistics.The film has three main messages:
- For consumers: Reduce your meat and dairy consumption, cook whole plant-based dishes.
- For businesses: Put whole, plant-based options on the menu.
- For governments: Stop subsidizing factory farming, support small-scale organic farming.
For a taste of the film, here is a clip:
The film was made with absolutely no funding and the film makers are trying to raise funds for marketing. They will take cash, of course, but they are also encouraging people to spread the word by having a “home screening party.” I loved the movie so much I am considering it!
The planet website states that “PLANEAT shows how the problems we face today can be solved, without simply resorting to a diet of lentils and lettuce leaves.” I would add that we don’t need to resort to Quinoa and Kale either.