I have been thinking about expanding the scope of this blog. Over the last few weeks I have decided to include medicinal herbs and other earth sourced products like essential oils. This is my first posting that reflects my other healing and wellness interest.
I am reposting this terrific piece written by a friend of mine. CBD oil can be controversial, but as this article shows it doesn’t need to be. . .I have tried this oil and can tell you that it has had real benefits in my life.
This piece is reprinted her with permission from Elizabeth. Enjoy! (more…)
I have joked for years that the only bad habit I had left was drinking coffee. It always seemed like giving up that treasured morning cup of joe was a bridge too far. My rationalization was that that I was getting too old to give up one more thing! I mean, is there anything better than that first cup of coffee in the morning?
This week I gave myself a huge canker sore – bit the inside of my check hard! Once the damage was done, every time I ate something I somehow managed to bite the same spot. Very annoying. After a couple of days of this I decided that the only cure was to not chew. (more…)
When it comes to nutrition and diets, the “bad guys” leading to diseases and to weigh gain seem like a rotating cast of characters. When I was young, it was all about fat. Over the years carbohydrates, sugar and lectin (to name a few) have been pinpointed as the culprits.
Like everyone else, I know better! I know that it is way too easy to slip back into old habits. And I did it – – –
I knew by my clothes and my discomfort level that I had gained weight, probably a lot of it. I had a simple solution – avoid the scale.
This morning I finally decided to face the facts and got on the scale. . . (more…)
Summer! Who wants to cook? Not me!
Much of our summer food is cold – salads, chilled soups and sandwiches. Mostly I prepare the the salads and soups early in the morning and put it in the refrigerator to chill for four our five hours. Not only are they cold, but the flavors have had time to meld. (more…)
Every June, here in New Orleans, we have the Eat Local Challenge. Participants agree to eat food that grown or caught within a 200 mile radius of New Orleans. This year we decided to give it a try.
For people who eat very few packaged foods this would seem like an easy task. I went into it confident that it would not be a problem. On day three we ran out of coffee. . .oops! It was either cheat or go without coffee. . .any guesses on what happened here? A couple of days later I was in Costco and headed for the produce section intent on getting avocados and onions. I got them in the cart and then remembered the challenge. . . (more…)
We ended up with a lot of extra food after the Fourth. That is extra corn and potato salad.
I used the potato salad in a mock-nicoise salad. Made a big green salad – lettuce, green onion, celery and tomatoes. Next I added garbanzo beans (chick peas) instead of the tuna and a scoop of the left over potato salad instead of the traditional eggs and potatoes. I prefer asparagus to green beans, but either one works well. As for anchovies? Forget about it!
The corn was another matter. I used to make corn fritters. When we gave up eggs and cheese during our vegan year, they just disappeared from our diet. And evidently from my collection of recipes. Since we are eating a few eggs a week, I decided to try to approximate what I used to make. (more…)
Who is in charge? Who really regulates genetically modified crops? In a bureaucratic sleight of hand the USDA spreads the responsibility for GM products throughout three agencies — the Agriculture Department, the Environmental Protection Agency and the Food and Drug Administration. These agencies are all bound by rules and regulations created in 1992!
In the 23 years since the regulations were written there has been an explosion of knowledge about genetic modification and a massive number of GM products introduced into the market. The science of DNA modification and advances in technology happen every month. And yet, regulations that are supposed to protect citizens and consumers have remained the same. (more…)
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