It’s been a busy summer. First, I finished a specialized Certification for Nutrition Coaching with an emphasis on anatomy and physiology. That was a lot of stuff to try and cram into my brain. I took away a whole new appreciation for how complex our body’s really are and a sense of amazement at the miracle of life and health.
Second, I took a certificate program in Plant-Based Nutrition. . . I finished and got my certificate yesterday. I am really jazzed!
The course is part of a continuing medical education program offered through Cornell University and offered online through eCornell. It is primarily taught by T. Colin Campbell with several outstanding guest lecturers like Dean Ornish, Cakdwell Esselstyn and John McDougall (to name a few). These folks are all featured in Forks Over Knives.
I went into the course knowing a lot about the subject and really understanding the anatomy and physiology of nutrition I wondered if I would learn anything really new. Bottom line: Yes! I mean, I really learned a lot of very cool stuff! I will write more about it in the days and weeks ahead. Suffice it to say that I have a whole new understanding of the science behind plant-based nutrition: the benefits, the research and the impacts on the environment at large. It has been a rich and rewarding study and I am so glad I was able to take advantage of the opportunity.
So now it’s official – I have special education and credentials as a plant-based nutrition consultant and coach.
Not bad for a summer’s work!