Seems that what we have been told for the last 25 years is really not to great advice. A new report says that cholesterol and fat are not the enemy after all. Turns out the real enemies are sugar, salt and maybe saturated fat.
This comes from the The Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee and is significant because this group shapes our national dietary policy. The guidelines influence FDA policy which ultimately effects school lunch, SNAP and WIC programs.
The new report and recommendations ease restrictions on cholesterol and unsaturated fats found in nuts, olive oil and avocados. One panel member summed it up this way: “The recommendations on saturated fat are a farce.”
Over the last 25 years the American’s have consumed millions of dollars worth of “low-fat” and “non-fat” foods in an effort to reduce fat intake. Of course, fat is what make food taste good so when it is taken out it needs to be replaced with something. That something has been sugar. As a result we are sicker and fatter than we have ever been.
The committee take direct aim at our sugar intake. The new recommendation is more in line with the The American Heart Association and other organizations limit of 6 (for women) to 9 (for men) teaspoons per day. The new recommendation is for 12 teaspoons a day. Progress! Especially when you realize that average Americans are consuming 20-30 teaspoons of sugar a day; half of which are coming from sugary drinks (soda and fruit juice).
Other recommendations include eating more plants (fruits and vegetables), fish and moderate amounts of alcohol.
Now the recommendations are open to public comment. It will be a matter of great interest to see the effect of “Big Food” on these very sensible and much needed recommendations. Stay tuned!