Tag Archives: Bacteria

A Whole Food Plant-Based Diet and The Human Ecosystem

imageSometimes it is hard to believe that we are totally dependent on the kindness of our internal and external biota. Everyone fears the dreaded Staphylococcus flesh eating bacteria that is methicillin resistant. Yet how many of us know that our sweat glands are occupied by a benign bacterial cousin? A cousin that aids our immune system in its constant combat with less friendly invaders.

Friendly skin staph bacteria is in fact very helpful to the immune system! The problems arise when they mutate into cousins that cause serious infections in open wounds. Current research indicates that our fascination with anti-bacterial hand cleansers can clearly have some harmful effects when used extensively and often, These cleansers often demolish our protective skin dwellers. (more…)

Posted in GERD, IBS, Medicinal plants, weigh loss, Whole Food Plant-Based nutrition | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Plant Based Diets, Probiotics and You

Everyone has heard of the old phrase, “You are what you eat.”

Here is another one for you to think on. “You are who you carry around inside and outside your body.”

That’s right folks, for better or for worse you have some forty trillion bacterial and other single-celled riders on what you think of as your body. Some are dangerous if they are allowed to grow out of control. A lot of them are neutral or even beneficial. Some are even absolutely necessary if you are to strike the balance with your environment that we commonly call good health. (more…)

Posted in GERD, IBS, Supplements, Whole Food Plant-Based nutrition | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment