Hard to Believe

We went to WalMart today to get more canning jars. The first thing we saw was a beautiful pumpkin display. Halloween is the next holiday, after all. As we walked further we came upon THE most disgusting sight ever: Christmas Trees for sale! It’s October, for goodness sake!

Planning to make a hasty retreat we grabbed the jars, put them in the cart and headed for the door. Great intentions. But then we took a little detour. An expensive, little detour I might add.

Somewhere between the pumpkins and the Christmas trees was a large display of bulbs – tulips and daffodils. Last year we did not have our act together so we planted the bulbs in the spring, late in the spring. The result was disappointing to say the least. We probably got 20-25 flowers and they lasted about 3 days each.

By May, I was pretty much over the whole flower thing. Lot of work for not much utility. I mean you can’t eat them so why bother? I admit that daffodils make me very happy, but we got a total of 10 flowers this year. When you think about the time spent planting and the watering they didn’t make me that happy! And besides they really aren’t useful.

There was one exception to the flower rule:  marigolds. We grew hundreds of them and they didn’t really even require that much water and since they act as pest control they are at least useful.

And then the Dahlias came to life! The picture does not even begin to do them justice.


Now my whole attitude has changed and I want flowers!  So we are going to spend time planting bulbs. I want lots and lot of flowers and a riot of color!

I guess I was wrong when I said that I had done my last garden post. . .

About Genene Cote

Genene Coté -- Nutrition Advocate, Counselor and Coach who is also a Whole Food Plant Based Eater (vegetarian/vegan), cook and gardener.
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