The Cooking Blues


It’s official – I am going through the cooking blues. There is nothing that I want to cook, nothing sounds good and my creativity is evidently on strike.

I had planned to post a recipe this morning.  But as I started sorting through what we have eaten in the last two weeks I came to the realization that I have not been really been cooking. We have been eating whatever was quick and handy. Good food, but nothing new, interesting, creative or worth sharing.

But here’s the thing. Our menus have been very simple, but still tasty, nutritious and healthy. You do not have to spend a lot of time and energy to eat well. Take a look at what we ate as main meals in the last week:

Monday – Pasta with veggies and pre-made frozen red sauce and a salad

Tuesday – Fried Rice and Veggies (lots of them mostly frozen) and quickly stir fried

Wednesday – Went to for a belated birthday lunch. Had veggie pizza with no cheese and it was wonderful!

Thursday – Big Greek Salad

Friday – Tacos with toasted tortillas, black beans, lettuce, tomato, onions and avocado smothered in salsa.

Breakfasts have been very simple – hot cereal with fruit and nuts. It’s cold and the cereal really hits the spot.

Every afternoon around 4 we have a big smoothie.

Every single meal we cooked at home took less than 15 minutes to prepare. You see, even with cooking blues and a minimal time investment it is possible to eat well and stay healthy without resorting to processed foods or junk.

About Genene Cote

Genene Coté -- Nutrition Advocate, Counselor and Coach who is also a Whole Food Plant Based Eater (vegetarian/vegan), cook and gardener.
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