I got my Mojo Back! Made Veggies au Pistou ( a fancy French name for a basic Veggie Stew with Pasta and Pesto)
I am GREATLY relieved to be able to report that I have my cooking mojo back! This week everything I cooked turned out well. In fact better than well. . . it was all downright good!
Monday morning I went out a picked a great assortment of fresh veggies. Spinach, yellow squash and tomatoes shown here. I also trimmed a big basket full of basil and a bunch of onions.
In the fridge there were navy beans from last week, a head of lettuce and a big cucumber that we had gotten at Farmer’s Market. It was obviously a Greek salad day.
We are now officially in summer and menus are guided by what I pick on any given more. This morning I had LOTS of basil that was either going to get harvested or bolt. I harvested.
I stood and inhaled the incredible aroma and thought “Pesto!”. (more…)